1. ParallelModel:

Since origin “ParallelModel” does not work for keras 2.2.4 due to KM.model’s change.So I decide to rewrite the ParallelModel to adapt the latest keras version.

However simple adaption is boring, so I combined the “multi_gpu_model” from keras official code and the Matterports code to create this version. Since the keras’ code claims that the “split in place tech” runs faster and more efficient on gpu memery.

Here is the code, hope this helps origin


  • keras 2.2.4
  • tf 1.12
Multi-GPU Support for Keras 2.2.4.

Copyright (c) 2018 EastDawn, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details)
Written by Ziyigogogo

Make the keras official multi-gpu more usable as the Matterport's
while also making use of the "inplace split tech" from official code
achieving faster speed & gpu memory efficiency

Ideas and a code snippets from these sources:


import time

import keras.backend as K
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.layers.core import Lambda
from keras.layers.merge import concatenate
from keras.models import Model
from keras.utils.generic_utils import to_list

class MultiGpuModel(Model):

    def __init__(self, template_model, num_gpus):
        super(MultiGpuModel, self).__init__(**self.get_inputs_and_outputs(template_model, num_gpus))
        self.inner_model = template_model
        self.num_gpus = num_gpus

    def __getattribute__(self, attrname):
        """Redirect loading and saving methods to the inner model. That's where
        the weights are stored."""
        if 'load' in attrname or 'save' in attrname:
            return getattr(self.inner_model, attrname)
        return super(MultiGpuModel, self).__getattribute__(attrname)

    def summary(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override summary() to display summaries of both, the wrapper and inner models."""
        super(MultiGpuModel, self).summary(*args, **kwargs)
        self.inner_model.summary(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_inputs_and_outputs(self, template_model, num_gpus):
        print("start preparing multi-gpu model on {} gpus...".format(num_gpus))
        tic = time.time()

        available_devices = [self._normalize_device_name(name) for name in self._get_available_devices()]
        target_gpu_ids = range(num_gpus)
        target_devices = ['/cpu:0'] + ['/gpu:{}'.format(i) for i in target_gpu_ids]

        for device in target_devices:
            if device not in available_devices:
                raise ValueError(
                    'To call `ParallelModel` with `num_gpus={}`, '
                    'we expect the following devices to be available: {}. '
                    'However this machine only has: {}. '
                    'Try reducing `num_gpus`.'.format(num_gpus, target_devices, available_devices)

        all_outputs = [[] for _ in range(len(template_model.outputs))]
        # Place a copy of the model on each GPU, each getting a slice of the inputs.
        for i, gpu_id in enumerate(target_gpu_ids):
            with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(gpu_id)):
                with tf.name_scope('replica_{}'.format(gpu_id)):
                    inputs = []
                    # Retrieve a slice of the input.
                    for x in template_model.inputs:
                        # In-place input splitting 5% ~ 12% faster and also less GPU memory duplication.
                        with tf.device(x.device):
                            input_shape = K.int_shape(x)[1:]
                            slice_i = Lambda(
                                arguments={'i': i, 'parts': num_gpus}

                    # Apply model on slice
                    # (creating a model replica on the target device).
                    outputs = template_model(inputs)
                    outputs = to_list(outputs)

                    # Save the outputs for merging back together later.
                    for o in range(len(outputs)):

        # Deduplicate output names to handle Siamese networks.
        occurrences = {}
        for n in template_model.output_names:
            if n not in occurrences:
                occurrences[n] = 1
                occurrences[n] += 1
        conflict_counter = {n: 0 for n, count in occurrences.items() if count > 1}
        output_names = []
        for n in template_model.output_names:
            if n in conflict_counter:
                conflict_counter[n] += 1
                n += '_{}'.format(conflict_counter[n])

        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            merged = []
            for name, outputs in zip(output_names, all_outputs):

                if K.int_shape(outputs[0]) == ():
                    # Average
                    m = Lambda(lambda output: tf.add_n(output) / len(outputs), name=name)(outputs)
                    # Concatenate
                    m = concatenate(outputs, axis=0, name=name)

        toc = time.time()
        print("multi-gpu model done! Cost: {}s".format(toc - tic))

        return {
            'inputs': template_model.inputs,
            'outputs': merged

    def _get_available_devices():
        return [x.name for x in K.get_session().list_devices()]

    def _normalize_device_name(name):
        name = '/' + ':'.join(name.lower().replace('/', '').split(':')[-2:])
        return name

    def get_slice(data, i, parts):
        shape = K.shape(data)
        batch_size = shape[:1]
        input_shape = shape[1:]
        step = batch_size // parts
        if i == parts - 1:
            size = batch_size - step * i
            size = step
        size = K.concatenate([size, input_shape], axis=0)
        stride = K.concatenate([step, input_shape * 0], axis=0)
        start = stride * i
        return K.slice(data, start, size)
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